Wednesday, December 26, 2012

One Week On

-Erik McGrath

It's been a week since we launched our Kickstarter project for Battle Tank: Escape From Giant Robot Island and we have gotten mostly positive feedback, but we are still far short of our goal and we can see a few things we should have done better.

Luckily it isn't too late yet.

In the beginning, we were really worried about the budget. It would be pretty terrible to fund and find out we couldn't deliver after all. But even still there are some things that need to get done and are worth the added expense so as of now we are working overtime to get those things added.

And the main targets among those things are:

All Plastic, All the Time
Forget cardboard tokens; we're working on making custom, plastic miniatures. In the next few days we will discover if my sculpting and molding skills are still sharp. The sculpting will be relatively easy, a tank is mainly a block though the robot I've got right now looks sort of like a nefarious gingerbread man.

More Rewards
Not just more levels, but more goals built right in. We have already planned several expansions for Battle Tank so we're going to add more information about them starting with Battle Tank: Assault on Laser Shark Lagoon.

Assault on Laser Shark Lagoon
Whereas Escape From Giant Robot Island is all about running away, this expansion is all about taking the fight to the mad scientist's doorstep. This expansion introduces Dr. Aquaria BublĂ©, an expert in melding flesh and machine. Due to her lack of an imposing fortress she is easy to underestimate, but who needs a mountain when you can live beneath the waves, hidden by the majestic (and largely artillery proof) sea?

Future Expansions
Each new set will introduce a new mad scientist and the necessary tiles to construct their lair as well as introduce any new rules necessary to handle them. Laser Shark Lagoon, for example, introduces water as a major terrain feature as well as melee attacks from the fearsome metal jaws of the cybernetically augmented great whites favored by Dr. BublĂ©.

Beyond these early sets there will come flying vehicles and monsters, submersibles, new terrain types and many other things that we hope will be as fun for you as they are for us.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Dun Dun Duuuun! Kickstarter!

-CJ Andersen

Inspired's first Kickstarter is now live.  Click here to visit our Kickstarter campaign!


The rewards people will be most interested in are the ones that come with actual stuff I'm sure so I will talk about those. We are of course happy to accept any amount; no job is too small, no fee is too big. ;)

Inspired T-Shirt:
For those that might not want a copy of the game, but would like to support Inspired Press, we're offering our Inspired logo on a black T-shirt.  For $20 (+$3 for XXL or larger) we will mail drop you one.

First Off The Boat:
There's only 100 of these and they are an extra thank you to those early adopters who have been following the process and jump on it immediately. For $25 you get the full, finished game plus (fingers crossed) whatever our stretch goals add.

Rescue Mission:
Like FOTB you get the game for less but rather than being early, you have to be local because the savings is due to you coming by our office and picking it up in person. $25

Get in that Tank:
It's okay if you aren't here first and aren't local, because it will still only cost you $30 to get access to this fun, campy game about giant robots being run over by tanks.

Ammo & Camo:
Yup, you guessed it;  A copy of the game and a T-shirt.  $50

So please visit our Kickstarter campaign page and take a look around.  Feel free to comment or send us a message to let us know if there is any modified versions or combinations of our rewards that you'd like to see.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Kickstarter Imminent

Battle Tank Game Contents

-Erik McGrath

We've been pretty quiet here at Inspired recently and with good reason: we've been busy.  After all this time we are finally ready to launch our bid to make Battle Tank: Escape From Giant Robot Island into a real thing to can hold in your hands.

I've talked before about all the things that go into making a game that I really had no idea about when I first started on this project, and it often seems like new things emerge all the time to stymie the process. For instance, do you know what freight forwarding is? Because I had never heard of it before I found out it was vital.

But with that, and numerous other challenges currently solved, we move on to the final phase: Kickstarter. The plan is to go live this week, if possible. All that is left to do is spend the next few days obsessing over our videos, to the extent of our abilities, and waiting for all of the account confirmations/verifications to go through so we can actually post on Kickstarter.